How to Take the Perfect Selfie

The selfie has become a hugely popular way for people to capture new memories and take photos of themselves in exciting environments, whether out with friends or travelling. Over the years the selfie has dominated social media, but when it comes to getting the perfect lighting or angle, it can feel like a challenge. At ClickASnap we have a huge collection of photos uploaded by our users every day, giving you some great inspiration for your next selfie. As well as that, we have some great tips to help you achieve the most flattering self-portrait!

Experiment with different angles

Most official self-portraits will require you to look directly at the camera, such as passport photos, but with a selfie you can be a little more creative. Try tilting something, whether it’s your phone or your head. This lets you experiment a bit more with angles and learning what is more flattering for you.

You can tilt up or down to understand how the light and the composition changes, and consider taking a photo from both sides too to discern your favourite!

It’s all in the eyes

To take a compelling selfie, you should think about focusing your eyes on the camera. By looking directly at the camera you’re more likely to establish an emotional connection with the viewer and have the chance to tell a story.

Compose yourself, whether you’re going for a fun and light-hearted photo or something a little more serious. Make sure you’re happy with the emotion and the message you’re trying to convey before you take the photo!

Lighting is important

You should consider choosing your lighting carefully, and trying to avoid harsh lighting like sunshine that’s too bright or fluorescent artificial lighting. Some of the best light outside occurs around sunrise and sunset when the sun is lower in the sky, especially as this can cause a beautiful glow to enhance the light.

Try to take your selfie with the light in front of you, not behind you, as this can help to avoid any shadows.

Consider the background

It’s important to make sure your background isn’t too distracting as this will take away from the star of the photo! Choose whether you’d prefer to have some detail in the background or keep it plain; you can always experiment and change your mind as you go!

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