This is asked frequently, and the short answer is NO! Whilst every other photo sharing platform on the internet today mandatorily assigns the right to use your photos as they see fit, the moment you upload them it is not surprising that this question is asked so frequently, especially as we pay users when their photos are just viewed.

Platforms take rights to use your photos because they can sell them, use them in campaigns, and otherwise monetise them to the benefit of the platform (This saves platforms millions in royalties and of course makes them millions when sold) and not for you. Facebook was caught out doing this and still does it to this day. Facebook of course owns Instagram, one of the largest, if not the current largest photo sharing platform online today. So if you upload your photos to either of those platforms, they can and will be used without your permission.
To sum up, no ClickASnap does not take any rights to your photos, and will never use them unless we contact you directly or you explicitly give us permission to use them. Yes, ClickASnap does pay when your photos are just looked at, but No it is not a get rich quick scheme. Quality always outweighs quantity on our photo sharing platform