What’s New – The Latest ClickASnap Updates


Welcome to our new Explore & Feed!

With brand new showcase features, like Discover Pro, improved algorithms (driven by you) and expansive viewing, our new Explore pages boasts a wonderful set of features to help more people discover our best photos. Alongside this, your Feed has been fortified to ensure it is working seamlessly for all as well as offering fast loading times and the return of a Pro member’s favourite – the ability to share your older images to your feed. 

Keep reading to learn more about what’s new!


Explore and Feed are now side by side, allowing you to switch easily from discovering new content, to seeing what the people you follow have been up to lately. The home page will no longer be visible when logged in.

We have rebuilt the feed, so you will find when first navigating to it, you will experience a slightly longer loading time before it loads effortlessly every time.

Discover Pro is our brand-new feature to showcase our Pro users, which is replacing our feature ‘Photo of the Day’ which lived on the home page. With a Pro user’s image being shown every hour on Explore, we are offering our Pro users a wonderful space to be discovered, as well as expanding the number of users we showcase each day.

Refresh your old photos, by sharing your older images with your followers. This is a well-loved Pro feature which has been brought back, so that you can start showcasing your older images again!


Some users are coming across blank image files on their account when an image does not upload. This has been resolved to ensure your upload experience is seamless. 

Major performance enhancements have been made to the platform, increasing the speed of your feed and more!

& many other behind the scenes and improvements 

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