Release notes:
New release for Click a Snap, v0.0.118. To make sure you’re using the latest and greatest, refresh your browser (and if you want to confirm, you’ll find the version at the bottom of every page).
Release notes
- A main focus for our team in this release has been security. In this release we’ve revised and tightened the security of our APIs for our main website functions. This is part of our ongoing improvements in security for our user’s data
- Another focus has been reducing the data usage on various pages, including the home page. This optimisation in image file sizes is showing a significant reduction in download size, perfect for our mobile users! In some cases, we’re seeing improvements of 80-90%
- We’ve also optimised the way we use your local browser data storage to minimise how much space is used. This will have a positive impact on a number of features on ClickASnap
- We’ve made some internal architectural changes to the website to further improve responsivity. This is part of a more significant plan to make our website faster
- For some of our users, their profile image wasn’t showing in the main menu. This is now resolved
- And other small changes and fixes
Stay tuned for more updates!